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I am vociferously passionate about good books. And I hate adverbs.

Book Review – The Three Miracles of Santos Socorro, by Sarah Black

The Three Miracles of Santos Socorro - Sarah Black


I won this book with a limerick, and I am damn proud of it, too. The prize was supposed to be an Idaho spud, but those monstrosities are notoriously difficult to send overseas, so Sarah gave me this book instead.




It is totally charming.


A sweet bear of a Jewish chocolate maker dates a Hispanic detective without any of the two being exactly clear on how much actual dating is going on. Mix in a hilarious gang of kickass relatives of Santos'—ladies of the tamale persuasion—and it is cooking! Recipes galore! Sweet and hot (the recipes, mate, get your mind out of the gutter!) and plenty of action. Actually, there's a lot more sensual action than I am used to from this author, but I am not complaining.


The Padre fainted, however.


God I love every word that comes out of this author. Every single one.


Favorite line?



“Well, he’s Muslim, you’re Jewish, I’m Catholic. We could join hands and sing Kumbaya for world peace.”


If you like tamales and other hot south-western stuff, there’s also a great recipe for mole in here. Come get it!





I received this book after winning the limerick contest on the Meet the Author Sarah Black-event on Goodreads. A positive review was never part of the deal. 

Source: http://AnnaLund2011.booklikes.com/post/749038/book-review-the-three-miracles-of-santos-socorro-by-sarah-black