I am vociferously passionate about good books. And I hate adverbs.
Long time since my last update, you say?
I HAVE BEEN BUSY. Doing all the werdz.
I am kicking this in its proverbial ass, and I'll just have you all know that I killed the
40 k mark today.
Yup, you read that right.
I am officially on 40,129 words and I am so proud of myself I might possibly, probably explode. (Did you hear a kabooom somewhere near you? That's probably somebody else. I am way too far from you to be heard when I go up in flames).
I was so happy today, I even wrote a love scene and it didn't suck. I mean, yeah, it sucked, a little bit, but in the good way, you know.
here I am: http://bit.ly/1cJ5Vhj come follow me.