I am vociferously passionate about good books. And I hate adverbs.
This is not your classic romance story, but holy hell if it doesn’t include some of the most intricate descriptions of true love that I have ever read.
I went into a highlighting frenzy reading this, and after finishing, it took me well over a week to just digest it.
I adored this book, it took me somewhere else, where I have never been, into situations I have never understood, and ‘splained it all to me. Lovingly. With a bite.
See, most of us have never been close to anything BDSM, and view pain as, well, pain. Not as something to be sought out and relished. I still don’t think I’m into pain, but the submission and bondage parts? Those I understand.
The strong, strong characters in this book make it all feel both believable and true, and the fact that a strong woman is finally taking the floor and speaking straight to my heart is truly a gift. There are so painfully (sic!) few of those around.
Nora is true, honest, raw and absolutely stunning in her perceptions. She sees through mountains of fluff in seconds, and calls every bluff on the block.
Now, the male protags in this story are no less enticing. First of all (in order of appearance I think) is Zach, Nora’s editor. Now, this is a beautiful way of doing things, a Writer writing a book about a Writer writing a book, pure metafiction, and just brilliant.
So, as Nora has to rewrite her book to Zach’s directions it turns into an introduction of BDSM for him, and a lovely challenge for her. In every way.
I love this free woman. She takes what she needs, gives what others need, and smiles and is on her way again. Utterly freeing.
Then Søren enters the scene from the left wing, and everything starts to tingle, a haze descends and a shiver of fear and excitement ripples through the audience. Me, that is. He is the real deal. Honest, true, faithful and the king. Of what, you will have to read the book to understand. My words here cannot describe him. Suffice it to say I am still thinking of him, wondering, wanting to know more about that dark shadow he wears like a cloak, the darkness that he is with his whole being.
There are more people in this story, women and men, all rounded characters that feel real, but the one that broke my heart was Wesley, Nora’s assistant and intern. The boy is utterly lovely and sweet, and so out of his depth he is drowning without knowing it. Ms Reisz really did a magick number on him, poor boy!
A few excerpts are in order, as it is my habit to sprinkle a review with good words:
”J.P sat on the floor of his office, piles of manuscripts stacked about him like a paper Stonehenge in miniature.” What a vision. Zach’s boss is really drowning in it.
“I don’t want to write this story any more than you want to read it.” Wheew. Harsh.
Nora’s book certainly opens with some intense wording. “…a man’s hips were his seat of power.” Now, that is how you describe why you like to watch a man walk by. Yes.
“The Club at Nine. Wait blindfolded.” That’s a voicemail in Nora’s book that is sure to bring the reader up sharp.
And finally, one to describe Nora: “Suddenly, she didn’t look tired or worried anymore. She looked wild and beautiful and so alive. ‘Celibate, Zach? Have you met me?’”
Now, a short word on my experience with the text itself. This book is made of amazing writing; utterly beautiful, and shock-full of backdrops that sing with exquisite wording.
Ms Reisz paints an intense picture in every scene, where words dribble down the canvas, sometimes putting fire to it. Sometimes dousing the flames and cooling the pain. It is plain uncanny how she works her brush.
I love her words, they swirl around me, and pull me in, show me new things, things that are shiny and things that are so dark I choke. Then I wake up, shake my head and wish I was dreaming again. Like I said, uncanny.
When you’re finished with The Siren, you will be hunting for more, more words, more people, more anything, to stave your hunger. To discover her page Tiffany Reisz and all the extras there was such an added bonus—to the umpteenth degree. There are whole stories there, back stories with the whole world she has created, for free, to peruse, to delve into, to muse over. Go see for yourself.
This was a truly unique experience. Thank you, Ms Reisz, for giving us a story that gets us thinking. Thank you also for showing that BDSM is something real, and not something that you need “curing” from or “saving” from.
Life is about finding your pack, and running wild.
And while I’m scared to pieces of some of the stuff from most every single page of your book, I am also in awe of your display of woman-power, your English usage and your way of portraying (FUCKING FINALLY!) a strong woman. A real woman. A beautiful woman.
Thank you. On behalf of all us other women out there. Thank you.
I was NOT asked to read this book by anyone, I paid for it with my own money.