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138 Trailblazers


I am vociferously passionate about good books. And I hate adverbs.

Book Review — The Altered, by Annabelle Jacobs

The Altered - Annabelle Jacobs

This is a new author for me, and it was a nice surprise to fall into a slightly dystopian world that I could believe in. (I’m usually not much for dystopian settings, but this one was done really well).


I love it when the bad guys are bad and the good guys are good, clear cut and simple.


The world slowly came alive around me, and even though there was a lot of telling there was also a whole lot of showing, to bring the action forward.


So. Shifters, eh? I loved the setting of crazy scientists being behind the scenes and responsible for producing a pathogen. Great imagination happening here.


Loved the cover.


At the end of the story (which is finished and rounded) I see that there will be a sequel. That is good. Usually I’m not much for series, but when a story is done, but still has potential for a new part of the trip of life of its main characters, I’m all for it.


This one is done. But I would like to hear more about Sam.


I have always thought that, if I were ever to become a shifter, I would just stay wolf. So tell me more about Sam, please.


Well crafted. Recommended read.





I was given a free copy of this self-published book from the author. A positive review wasn’t promised in return.