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I am vociferously passionate about good books. And I hate adverbs.

Book Review - Muscling Through, by JL Merrow

Muscling Through - J.L. Merrow

Alan and Lawrence, eh?



This book is for anyone who likes GOOD people. Anyone who wants GOOD people to win. Win love, appreciation, and friendship because of WHO they are.


I am left with so many good feelings after reading this book that I'm almost scatterbrained. Let's see if I can get it together.


First of all, do not judge a book by its cover, nor a person by his looks. Alan would probably have scared the bejeezus out of me too, had I met him in a dark alley at night. More the power to Lawrence who took it upon himself to later seek Al out and apologize.


I adored the language in this book. (As you see, I'm jumping from subject to subject here, this is what good writing does to my brain). It was so English it went beyond corny and traveled straight into Fab-Land. To see the world through Al's eyes was a treat.


The goodness. The mighty goodness—there is simply not enough writing in the world about goodness like this one. Please write me more.


I loved the accent, it came through strong, and British, and good, and fun. (It made me remember when I was originally taught English—since then all those pesky little "u"s have had to be taken out all over my writing, when Chicago took over my life. I loved seeing them here, though, good memories).


Also, the difference in class is so very obvious here, even in writing. But the importance of class, education, intelligence, all that goes out the window when two people are true to their own beings, and are LET TO BE true. How Larry and Al take the leap over all those obstacles is just plain beautiful.


Al's direct, down-to-earth attitude has a lot to do with it, of course. ("'Are you a poof?' I asked. I didn't think he'd mind.")


Some highlights? Sure, I'm always up for that!


"He didn't look like a teacher no more. He looked wild and happy. I could have watched him all night." Al about Larry after their first time together. The love.


"'Course, I wouldn't say no to a glass of that shampoo and a couple of horses' doovers." Oh, Al's mum is almost better than Al himself! (Blasphemy!)


By god, the woman in pink strikes again and again. Absolutely fantabulous. Especially when she is nice to Larry's mum, and walks away mumbling. She squared that peg away mightily fast.


Or what about when Al was choosing a cat? "I didn't want a posh cat. I got Larry for when I want posh."


The short interlude at the hospital, where Larry tried talking to a student from his university was intense. I love how a scary suicidal situation was woven into the story, and I adored Larry's comment: "You just never really know, do you? If you're reaching someone or just talking at them?" Important themes, so glad to see them aired here.


I loved their trip to Italy, and let's face it, I loved everything on every single page in this book—it just resonated with me.


I have screamed with laughter (I even woke Mr Lund up at 3 am), but most of all I have been embraced by this book, by its words of acceptance, of love, of being okay as you are.


I feel a better person for having read it.


I loved this book. Please, read it. Even the sex (and there's admittedly a lot of it) is beautiful, intense and caring. Like Al says, "He's got class, Larry has." Well, that goes for you, too. Alan, you got class too, luv.




I was NOT asked to read this book by anyone, I paid for it with my own money.

Source: http://AnnaLund2011.booklikes.com/post/188309/muscling-through